Skinny Applesauce Brownies

Skinny Applesauce Brownies

Foodie Factoid: In 2010, scientists from all over the world joined together to map the genome of the Golden Delicious apple. From their research, they discovered that apples probably originated from about 65 million years ago!

Ok fine, I cave. Everyone is hopping on the ‘skinny dessert’ train and I will not be left behind on this trend! I was late for Halloween because I didn’t have a can opener to get at pumpkin puree. I totally missed Christmas because I was in Puerto Rico. And now I’m running late again for the post New Years’ recipe slim-down. I mean in all fairness I’ve been known to procrastinate pretty badly for most things (mostly homework and anything that involves effort), but I need to at least join in a bit right?  Continue reading